Thursday, 31 January 2008
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Monday, 28 January 2008
Sunday, 27 January 2008
YING she loved my hair down and from there we were laughing and having fun. We talked for over an hour and a half during which I finally urged us to get going. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but I don't like sitting too long and talking with her...just because. And on the way back to my bungie we ran into Jillian who said hi first and then "Ivette" who smiled big at me. So I pretty much felt like I belonged.
BEST FRIEND & EMAIL Three hours after I emailed him, his response came back. And it was a pretty good one, too.
"You know It's the first black beetle I've ever seen, miniture or full sized, that's new! Oooh, it's wind-up!"
"Ooh, books and stuff."
"Anyway, see ya, hope you do get some calls"
ADVICE “Life is too short to not take a moment and try fun things like this. We’re doing it."
Saturday, 26 January 2008
ADVICE (Stephen Colbert, Commencement address): "This seems like a very nice place. They have a lovely Web site. Besides, have you seen the world outside lately? They are playing for KEEPS out there, folks. My God, I couldn't wait to get here today just so I could take a breather from the real world. I don't know if they told you what's happened while you've matriculated here for the past four years. The world is waiting for you people with a club. Unprecedented changes happening in the last four years. Like globalization. We now live in a hyperconnected, global economic, outsourced society. Now there are positives and minuses here. And a positive is that globalization helps us understand and learn from otherwise foreign cultures. For example, I now know how to ask for a Happy Meal in five different languages. In Paris, I'd like a "Repas Heureux" In Madrid a "Comida Feliz" In Calcutta, a "Kushkana, hold the beef." In Tokyo, a "Happi- Shokuji " And in Berlin, I can order what is perhaps the least happy-sounding Happy Meal, a "Glückselig Mahlzeit."
Also globalization, e-mail, cell phones interconnect our nations like never before. It is possible for even the most insulated American to have friends from all over the world. For instance, I recently received an e-mail asking me to help a deposed Nigerian prince who is looking for a business partner to recuperate his fortune. Thanks to the flexibility of global banking, a Swiss bank account is ready and waiting for my share of his money. I know, because I just e-mailed him my Social Security number.
Unfortunately for you job seekers, corporations searching for a better bottom line have moved many of their operations overseas, whether it's a customer service operator, a power factory foreman, or an American flag manufacturer. They're just as likely to be found in Shanghai as Omaha. In fact, outsourcing is so easy that I had this speech today written by a young man named Panjeeb from Bangalore.
If you don't like the jokes, I assure you they were much funnier in Urdu...
And when you enter the workforce, you will find competition from those crossing our all-too-porous borders. Now I know you're all going to say, "Stephen, Stephen, immigrants built America." Yes, but here's the thing—it's built now. I think it was finished in the mid-70s sometime. At this point it's a touch-up and repair job. But thankfully Congress is acting and soon English will be the official language of America. Because if we surrender the national anthem to Spanish, the next thing you know, they'll be translating the Bible. God wrote it in English for a reason! So it could be taught in our public schools.
So we must build walls. A wall obviously across the entire southern border. That's the answer. That may not be enough—maybe a moat in front of it, or a fire-pit. Maybe a flaming moat, filled with fire-proof crocodiles. And we should probably wall off the northern border as well. Keep those Canadians with their socialized medicine and their skunky beer out. And because immigrants can swim, we'll probably want to wall off the coasts as well. And while we're at it, we need to put up a dome, in case they have catapults. And we'll punch some holes in it so we can breathe. Breathe free. It's time for illegal immigrants to go—right after they finish building those walls. Yes, yes, I agree with me."
Friday, 25 January 2008
Thursday, 24 January 2008
I went to the immigration expo after two semesters of putting it off. I even dressed up per Stephen's suggestion regarding career appointments, and sat down on the lounge outside the princeton room. The girl kept looking back at me and finally asked, "are you here for the seminar?" To be honest I kept putting it off since I was early, still unsure, and not seeing anyone else going in. I kind of stalled, should I lie? But I ultimately didn't and she kindly instructed me to have a seat while giving me a number.
My number was called (number 2) and I approached the table with a smile to the older gentlemen of white hair an a young, blond Aussie. I don't remember if they smiled, but I said hello and introduced myself, unsure where I should sit. Was he taking care of me or her? He took over, thankfully, and I stumbled. My hands shook and my voice altered, and surprisingly the girl who sat down next to me for the blond was completely calm. Basically, he sort of calmed me. I can get a visa, but probably not right away. A few years time probably. But when it comes down to it, could I live here right away? As long as I can eventually, I guess that's okay. Gaz won't rush to get married...I don't think. And I need time back in America to sort things out. I think I need to get a job in the industry and then apply for a skilled visa. The job will give me the sufficient points.
UNI RESIDENTS After that I saw Arthur and went to say hello, which turned out wonderful. Things happen for a reason and when I went over to talk to him, it turns out he had turned in his homework on Wednesday. So we went to my bungie to work on it so I could email it to the professor. It was fun talking to him that I was giddily asking questions and talking and talking and talking. And he's American, so he completely understands. He's still a little weird, wanting to see my room, but it was fine.
Towards the end Jillian came and I looked up to her smiling. "Usually it's me sitting here!" We joked and I invited her to join in the stats fun and she declined laughing. She's much kinder to me this semester, but I don't know what changed it. In fact, she talks so much to me and smiles so much. Maybe it's the fact we're both americans?
Then there was the Malaysians who passed by and only Audrey was semi-happy to see me with "Ivette" acting her usual cold self. I now have this attitude towards them that's switched from Jillian to them, not caring if I say hi or not. Strange how life works like that. People you think are nice really aren't and people you think aren't nice really are.
Ying emailed me.
First she pushed me to email him without really saying it, without just doing it herself. Is that a Chinese thing? I know she feels like she's "bothering" professors by going during their office hours...
Then two hours she emailed this in broken English (her boyfriend must proof-read her assignments):
"want to check what's the answer for homework two, Question 2, Variance of portfolio 1?"
Me: ""Arthur and I are working on HW 2 Saturday morning at 8am, so if you like, you can look at our work when you come at 10:10am."
Ying: "that one is demonstrated yesterday at lab. either way it's ok then."
Me (pissed): "yeah, i know, but he didn't give us the answer for that one. i wrote down everything he said/did and he didn't give us that."
Ying: "confirmed. thank you. i have pb with excel.. r u very good at excel?"(She should run to her good, old buddy, May)
GROWN UP Why did I have no problem calling (again) to reconfirm my book for greyhound? Is it because I had to? Is it because it was a small thing? I don't understand why I can be socially awkward at some instances and not at others.
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Monday, 21 January 2008
Sunday, 20 January 2008
DISCOVERED Not that this is grown-up per se, but I went to talk to the front desk to ask about the reserve and discovered that it's not so bad asking for help. Don't be afraid to just ask.
Also discovered that Gaz must want what is best for me, and that's why he sacrifices his feelings so I do what I want. That must be a true friend.
UNI RESIDENTS Second time in a row I've seen Jillian and once again she's really talkative. We ran into each other and she asked how my classes are going and then told me how she's working harder this semester. Talk, talk, talk, no lag in conversation. It was actually enjoyable besides being really surprising.
YING I met for dinner with Ying who wasn't very nice or talkative or smiley. And she wasn't because, I guess, something was bothering her. So if she's like that then something's wrong?
Saturday, 19 January 2008
YING & GREAT PLEASURES ying invited me over to see her place and I decided to go for it the next day, calling her that next afternoon. Surprise me that I was completely nice and we didn't have a lag in conversation once the entire four hours. I must learn to be a good hostess like her; giving me water and then food to eat. The great pleasure came with how easy it was to talk and relax with her considering I haven't had that since my time with Liz. Nothing too deep or too open, but just enough to get closer. I'm still not that close to her and we still have that cultural barrier, so it takes ease.
CULTURE "Give me face," she said when telling me to finish her food. I forgot about that- I must remember face.
UNI RESIDENTS Jillian was outside smoking when I came back and we had our longest conversation yet, with her initiating. In fact, she once again introduced me to a new boy (Elliot) and it felt great. Not that we'll ever be good friends, but I do want to get closer to her.
Friday, 18 January 2008
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
YING texted me and I knew it was her the moment I heard the ding, knowing she must want company now that she's off campus. I would've replied by my credit ran out, so I fretted about it instead.
UNI RESIDENTS I saw Victoria on the phone and would've said hi, if she hadn't been busy. Again, showing how little outgoing I'm becomming. Instead of staying put and allowing them to do the work, I'm trying to do some of it for them.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
UNI RESIDENTS I noticed the "German" guy from marketing stalking the hallway along with me, but before I could acknowledge him, Toby (the Mexican-American) came by and said, "So Elaine said you spent break with your boyfriend." First of all, she assumed he was my boyfriend and I never told her so, neither did I contradict. Second of all, why was she telling my business when she begs me not to tell hers? I giggled and Toby said it was because he asked. Normally I would find this cute, even romantic in a way, but this is Toby...the bisexual. And so I took it as a really friendly gesture and we chatted before we made our way into the room.
Sometimes it's easy to feel like you belong, if the class is small and you know the people from previous times.
Dinner, "Nothing's changed, nothing's changed," she told me when I asked for take-away. I belong here.
UNI RESIDENTS 1:30am I heard banging on the walls and shouting, "Whoever is up, come drink with us! Come, have a beer with us! Whoever is up in here!" I was half asleep but very tempted to go, but at the same time scared. It's not like when I was outgoing the first time in this country when I at least had Liz to accompany me. I think that is the difference, because if I had a girlfriend to go with me, things would be better for me and more relaxing since I could rely on sticking with her while having fun and not being dependent on just myself.
Monday, 14 January 2008
The best part of the first day is all the welcome backs from the staff. Judith remembered and welcomed me back with such excitement that it made me blush. Only downside was that when I returned an hour later with my slip, the Lakeside Grille was way too busy even though lunch didn't official start yet. The cause? Arthur and Ying says it over 300 new Americans. The bright side? They go home and May will be silent again! I was strong, staying on in the crowd and not feeling uncomfortable. I was proud.
UNI CLASSWORK [class one] last semester, the very first class, I was hit on by the German guy who kept asking me out for two weeks. So first class of the first day of the third semester, a Norwegian guy hit on me. He was not cute, extremely large nose like the German, and a dirty blond as well. His personality was 'better than you' exactly like the German- dismissing the class as too easy for him and then finding a poor excuse to get my number. He asked if he could look at a book for a class I've taken, and asked for my number. I don't like breaking hearts, so I gave it. But I inadvertently, and purposely, squashed his desires when Ashnita walked in and sat between us (thank you).
We started chatting really fast and non-stop about our break and this semester, laughing about the possibility of Stephen's shenanigans for the future sessions. That's when I said, "I went to Newcastle and Sydney, with my, you know 'boyfriend'" and we laughed. Norwegian heard, he had to of, and remained quiet. I don't expect him to call- to my joy.
I've always find that the ugly ones are attracted to me, and that's harsh, but there has to be some level of attractiveness on my part as well towards these boys. And there's not. And I also find that the "eastern" Europeans and Germans are always attracted to me. Is it my larger nose? Dark hair?
Ying walked in and somehow missed me, but I took it that she ignored me, and I felt better after Ashnita checked her lab time with me and got excited at the same slot time on our papers.
[class two] small class, half of familar faces and half of strangers. I was afraid at first because all the familar ones have seemed to be unfriendly in the past, but I had Ying there with me. And she acknowledged me when I walked in and we squished the "not seeing me" and found that it was just that- she didn't see me. Funnily enough, Arthur said the same and so it had to be true. I just find I'm cold at first because I'm uncertain how to act, and then I warm up. I did that with her, kind of cold, and then more friendly.
[CULTURE] The professor is English with a horrible posh accent, like she's turning her nose to us. If she didn't smile so much I'd think she thought she was too good for us. Every time she spoke I thought of doilies and little sandwhichs and tea in china. But on top of it, she was too boring and too full of herself, unlike Aussies. It was like having Aussie slang but with a nasty accent. Then I found happiness in thinking about how she's a prude.
Time came for a "friend" to introduce us and Ying did me. She said I was a great friend, very helpful, and very smart since I got two HDs. Aren't Chinese supposed to downplay accomplishments? She told my "secret", making me look bad, but I blushed and felt good at the kind words she was saying anyway.
I escaped at break and Ying followed behind, rushing to catch up. A first for her. We ran into Victoria who said, "You know Jen" and made me giddy because she's an upbeat Aussie who a great personality, who smiles and sees the brightside of everything. Aussies have a wonderful way of doing so. As she departed she said, "I love how much you giggle" to me.
Returning to class went so fast. The professor saw my book and asked what it was, to which the "snobby" American to my left (from marketing) and her South American friend talked to me about all the way out the door. That made me feel more comfortable in the class, knowing they didn't mind me.
YING Elaine followed me and we had dinner together right after class. It was no longer awkward to and it was like it was back to normal but with a few more acknowledgements thrown in. I told her it was good to be with her again, when in reality I was just happy to be socializing right away. She told me that we can eat together and that we can go for walks (just call). And I will, but not right away, because I like my independence and only sometimes do I like to be social. It's just her. I find her personality to be a mismatch, along with her culture. She just stares and rarely smiles. Doesn't argue. Is boring.
On the way out she was happy to hear I may try to stay (from what Stephen said earlier) and I got a great reception from the curly blond form the Brasserie with my dessert.
"We're in the same group, right?" Ying asked. See, it's unspoken that we're together.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
forgot room number, inter password, mail box number
bought groceres without a care
hit right away how boring away from you
ARRIVAL testing
no love in card, "because i like you", no visit?