May and I are over as well. Maybe she realizes I've caught on to her fakeness or Ying's telling her stories or she realizes I'm "not as friendly" (aka, realizing she's fake and not even trying). Either way, she still is nice but not fake-over-happy-nice anymore. Less touching. Fewer questions. Again I don't care, and find it entertaining not caring anymore. We're still friendly, but that's pretty much it.
I sat eating my lunch at the picnic bench being braved and not caring who saw while the cleaners finished. Although, it made me feel out of place as I saw bleached blonds walk by laughing and caring for each other.
Arthur knocked on my door and gave me his notes for International, thus reminding me that he had an awards ceremony tonight. I can't believe I forgot even though I wrote it down. And so thankfully he stopped by because it ended up being really fun. In fact, I got to knock down Ying again. She arrived with May and May's boyfriend and I was surprised to be honest. One, May didn't say anything about it, and two, neither did Ying. But May's really that close to Ying? And so I waved and that was that, while I went back loudly talking to Arthur and Stephen. While May ignored Ying (yep, she's not that great), she turned to ask me some silly question. I kept a cold face and said, "How should I know?" (Seriously, how should I?). And when we left I led the way without looking at Ying who turned to either see us or go our direction, and kept going. On the way out I congratulated Arthur and said goodbye.
Thing is, she won't be in my international finance class and she won't be in HRM (as far as I know), but she will be in Entreneurship. That is where I will hurt because May will be in it as well. And so I will have to find a group other than that, hoping Ashnita is taking it. Note to self: ask Ash if she's taken it yet.
I will go to great lengths to get someone "back" to speak. After I left I went to the Brasserie for dinner and who was in front of me? My two Malaysian roomies who ignored me. Usually they don't, so I was surprised, but not upset at all. In fact, after they got back I "went out" and walked to and back from the South Tower just so I could ignore them twice.
GREAT PLEASURES Talking and laughing so hard with two people who get you is just wonderful. Beyong explainable. You feel like you belong, like nothing can go wrong, and like the happiness will never die.