YING I can't stand her, I just can't. And I may regret this down the road, but really does it matter? It's like Liz. I miss her like fucking crazy, and it was partially my fault, but really how often would I see her since she has a kid and lives in fucking Australia? Same for Ying- who will be in China. And like Liz, is she really a good friend? Yes, and no. It's just that she's constantly doing what only she wants. I have to constantly remind her of the important things (or does her English comprehension just suck?). She's cultures away from mine. And she's no fun to be with (she seriously thinks sitting on her ass is fun?).
As a result, when she came storming in like she does when she's pissed, with that ugly sour face of hers, I just went "meh" to it. I waved and was iffy as she was iffy as well. I didn't care and she was being asinine, so that's that.
(ADVICE) In fact, I took Stephen's advice to good use and stood up for myself. I turned down each of Miss Only-Think-Of-Myself's suggestions of sorts. She said I looked bad (her Chinese messed up way of saying what could be said in a more polite way of, "What's wrong?") and I told her that yes, I'm stressed as I have a lot of work to do. "That's why I asked you weeks ago to start this paper." And I repeated that a few more times to get it in her head that she fucked up and I don't appreciate it.
Then she said we should move, and I told her no. She wanted to go out of the couches, and I told her no. Then she wanted to go to her room and I said, "We always go to your room," I told her. She never comes to mine, so why should I go to her room any more?
Basically, even though I sent her the powerpoint on Tuesday, she didn't work on her part until last night and wasn't prepared for our meeting. So I told her we'll meet tomorrow as my part has been finished.
Then she looked over at the Canadian, and I rolled my eyes with her about him, seeing as neither of us can stand his arrogant ways. That lightened her up and she wanted to gossip, but I told her that I'm living a semester of doing what I want and not getting involved. Point being, her pissy mood changed but I could really care less.
BEST FRIEND/TEXT I took a nap and when I woke up I found a text from Gaz! It's been months since I've received one, and I haven't heard from him since Sunday, so I was extremely happy naturally. But after I text a reply to his HILARIOUS and CUTE text, I strangely didn't get a reply just like I haven't heard a reply from my email either. I don't get it? That's unlike him. But obviously him texting me after not reply to my email means he actually thought of me! He's thinking of me when he saw the game advertise on TV!

UNI RESIDENTS While I was texting him outside, waiting for the Bra to open, Elaine went by and she was happy to see me. Which means we went for dinner together and ate together, but it was actually a lot of fun. In fact, it was even more lively when Arthur came and he was laughing and joking with us. Elaine asked us about our accents and I teased Arthur about his "Canadian" one and he teased me about Ohio being hillbilly. Then we had fun teaching Elaine about not only accents, but also about the US and where it's best to live.
"My professor said, 'Holy Shit' like you and I thought, 'That's Jen's accent!'" made me laugh coming from Ying. In fact she's picking up my mannerisms. She's saying, "Jesus" to every thing like I do. Ha.
As a result, when she came storming in like she does when she's pissed, with that ugly sour face of hers, I just went "meh" to it. I waved and was iffy as she was iffy as well. I didn't care and she was being asinine, so that's that.
(ADVICE) In fact, I took Stephen's advice to good use and stood up for myself. I turned down each of Miss Only-Think-Of-Myself's suggestions of sorts. She said I looked bad (her Chinese messed up way of saying what could be said in a more polite way of, "What's wrong?") and I told her that yes, I'm stressed as I have a lot of work to do. "That's why I asked you weeks ago to start this paper." And I repeated that a few more times to get it in her head that she fucked up and I don't appreciate it.
Then she said we should move, and I told her no. She wanted to go out of the couches, and I told her no. Then she wanted to go to her room and I said, "We always go to your room," I told her. She never comes to mine, so why should I go to her room any more?
Basically, even though I sent her the powerpoint on Tuesday, she didn't work on her part until last night and wasn't prepared for our meeting. So I told her we'll meet tomorrow as my part has been finished.
Then she looked over at the Canadian, and I rolled my eyes with her about him, seeing as neither of us can stand his arrogant ways. That lightened her up and she wanted to gossip, but I told her that I'm living a semester of doing what I want and not getting involved. Point being, her pissy mood changed but I could really care less.
BEST FRIEND/TEXT I took a nap and when I woke up I found a text from Gaz! It's been months since I've received one, and I haven't heard from him since Sunday, so I was extremely happy naturally. But after I text a reply to his HILARIOUS and CUTE text, I strangely didn't get a reply just like I haven't heard a reply from my email either. I don't get it? That's unlike him. But obviously him texting me after not reply to my email means he actually thought of me! He's thinking of me when he saw the game advertise on TV!
UNI RESIDENTS While I was texting him outside, waiting for the Bra to open, Elaine went by and she was happy to see me. Which means we went for dinner together and ate together, but it was actually a lot of fun. In fact, it was even more lively when Arthur came and he was laughing and joking with us. Elaine asked us about our accents and I teased Arthur about his "Canadian" one and he teased me about Ohio being hillbilly. Then we had fun teaching Elaine about not only accents, but also about the US and where it's best to live.
"My professor said, 'Holy Shit' like you and I thought, 'That's Jen's accent!'" made me laugh coming from Ying. In fact she's picking up my mannerisms. She's saying, "Jesus" to every thing like I do. Ha.