Monday, 13 August 2007


My goal is to create a beautiful moleskine page and show it on my livejournal, along with a beautiful poem. Must comment before then, though. I think I found a visa that will work for me, so here's hoping, because if not, I don't want to go to Canada. I'm just wondering, what would I do with Gareth? This is how careless I am. It took me two months to figure out that you can't see in the window during the day and over two months to figure out that my window opened. This is after freaking out and wishing I could have sun and fresh air! OPEN YOUR EYES! Then this morning I got to thinking, what makes me stand out and who cares about me? Nowadays it's mainly Gareth thinking about me. But what makes me stand out? Not sure. Maybe my giggly personality? How kind I am until you push me too far? My grumpy expression, even though I'm just shy?

Thankfully I checked the exam schedule, wondering why it was 11:30am, to find out I picked the undergrad class instead of the post-grad class! Ohhhhh, thankyouwhomevergavemethatfeeling. I love how if I have an issue, it's only a minute away to be resolved. Walking at 8am usually derives at least some people on campus, but I only ran into three Chinese (two parents and a student to which I rolled my eyes) and two professors (at least two professionals whom work here). No students, all tucked away either sleeping, studying, or freaking out. No Harry Potter either, which I guess means I won't be bringing that down to Canberra with me for Gareth, so I guess December?

UNI CLASSWORK A few hours to my exam, but I just want to get it over with. Campus is so dead and I love it, although walking into the brasserie was a bit awkward because it felt like my every move was on display for the bored employees. It was deafeningly quiet to the point I could hear the workers speak and they could actually hear what I was ordering.

Finally the exam came. I was early, of course, and was sitting against the wall
++joey ran to
++may and james alone
++chin interrupt, kind of rude, spoke eng then fren in chine
++I first for econ, smile when saw me
++think at least passed
++wish smile zala who looked back, gillian wish as well

DISCOVERED sample exams are just a starting point. And if there's a midterm, more than likely one of those questions will be used. Even though it says online "no water" and "no bags", people had water and bags were kept at the back.

Also, unrelated to my exam, I've discovered that I will get $50 from global points, something I was not expecting!

BEST FRIEND Big hiccup at 9:50; "I hope that's good."
Turns out, I guess he decided not to email me.

Upset breathing, something I haven't done in months. Where it feels like my throat is closed and my stomach has a massive rock in it, where I can hear the air coming in and out. Why the fuck didn't he email me? All the signs were there, why not?

What a good best friend you are, thanks.

{I was going to delete the above, but thought not to. As I was pouting, he sent it late.}


Bear did email me, just a bit late, and I was so happy when he did of course. In fact I giggled and blushed when he linked to '' and was discussing which tighty swimmers he was looking at. Why tight ones, Gaz? No, you're not an athlete or...yeah. But it made me think of Sam discussing her red bra with him and how I feel special that he's doing this with me. Difficult to explain.

"Cool, I watched the rugby on the telly the other day, and even if I can’t get the tickets organised at ticketek we should just be able to just turn up at the gates and mark in (after donating a bit of money of course), don’t worry about the money." Aw, don't worry about the money?

"And now to buy a pair of swimmers (, can’t choose though- I’m leaning towards the XS illusion pair (black and white), but then again maybe the Origin in chocolate? I wanted the stripey ones in navy but they’re too small (I think)- on second thought not the XS ones, I just read the description!" Was he asking for my opinion?

IM/TEXT/EMAIL I played nice, honest, but I could've been much more excited, but how could one be? Two months she's ignored me, she's seen me online, and yet here she is with "we're going to have a baby!" as if we're still close. My hope though, is that she gets it that we are not close anymore and in fact, I don't see her as a friend anymore. After this she went to me and passed over Canberra, wasn't excited for me, we both got bored, and then I ignored her. She did what we wanted to do, I did what I wanted (that I was happy and going to Canberra real soon), so we should both be happy. I just regret not ignoring her from the beginning. I hope she got my non-response as me not caring and I hope she gets it when I'm no longer going to be on from now on.

An excerpt from the book Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations
"One day one of the Brahmins who objected to the Buddha came to listen to one of the Buddha's discourses and, while he was still speaking, walked up and down in front of him. Then he proceeded to abuse the Buddha, using quite rough language. He reviled him in every possible way he could think of. When he had finally run out of words the Buddha, who had been quietly sitting there listening, said, "Brahmin, do you ever have guests in your house?" The Brahmin answered, "Yes of course we have guests in our house." The Buddha said, "When you have guests in your house, do you offer them hospitality? Do you offer them food and drink?" The Brahmin said, "Well of course we do. Of course I offer them food and drink." The Buddha continued, "And if they don't accept your hospitality, if they don't take your food and drink, to whom does it belong?" The Brahmin said, "It belongs to me. It belongs to me." The Buddha said, "That's right, Brahmin. It belongs to you."

This is a good story to remember.
Any abuse, anger, or threat belongs to the one who is uttering it."