I've discovered that I really work when I'm under time constraint. Like today, I actually went through outlining our consumer behaviour paper because it was two hours before class and I needed something to do. Mostly why? I was listening to the soundtrack of Juno and Skins and then Lupe Fiasco's newest album. Music makes it all better.
To top it off, I re-feel in love with David Sedaris after finding videos of him online.
UNI CLASSWORK I failed my 10percent midterm for customer analysis like I knew I would so now I'm missing like 6 percent from my total. But it's only 10percent, right? I've been in worse situations, right? I didn't freak, then I did in private, and then I was fine again.
YING Zala came up to talk while Ying came as well, and Zala kept talking to us both (me at first) and it was fine. But thankfully the boys (Arthur and Stephen) came and the doors to the classroom opened so I could get away from Ying.
I have to get it to the girl: she has guts. I sat down and was nice but cold, and she started tearing up and she said something about her weight. So I was blunt and told her that I was worried since she talks about it a lot and that I just want her to be okay. See, I can show emotions. And that's been she started getting happier. She even asked to have dinner next week.
My Best friend emailed me the day after I emailed him, which for some reason is something has hasn't done in a while (that I can remember at least). So while I wasn't expecting one, I was hoping for one, and it made me feel so much better in regards to failing my one midterm.
To top it off, I re-feel in love with David Sedaris after finding videos of him online.
UNI CLASSWORK I failed my 10percent midterm for customer analysis like I knew I would so now I'm missing like 6 percent from my total. But it's only 10percent, right? I've been in worse situations, right? I didn't freak, then I did in private, and then I was fine again.
YING Zala came up to talk while Ying came as well, and Zala kept talking to us both (me at first) and it was fine. But thankfully the boys (Arthur and Stephen) came and the doors to the classroom opened so I could get away from Ying.
I have to get it to the girl: she has guts. I sat down and was nice but cold, and she started tearing up and she said something about her weight. So I was blunt and told her that I was worried since she talks about it a lot and that I just want her to be okay. See, I can show emotions. And that's been she started getting happier. She even asked to have dinner next week.
My Best friend emailed me the day after I emailed him, which for some reason is something has hasn't done in a while (that I can remember at least). So while I wasn't expecting one, I was hoping for one, and it made me feel so much better in regards to failing my one midterm.
- There was an email from Sam there today, not much, but hey it's an email. The problem is I never have anything to say...all the people I know are doing something with their live, unlike me. It's kind of hard to make what I'm doing sound interesting, and not boring instead. Finally, more Sam talk to make me feel included. And I'm pretty happy that he's relieved. Because I'm happy when he is.
- I guess that's what I mean by the whole themepark thing in Australia. You may as well see Australia (tasmania, north west Australia, northern territory etc...although your parents sound like that'd just make them bored). I've decided Australia are crap when it comes to running decent theme parks. Does he think my parents are coming here?
- And Owen's coming along on the weekend with the whole posse, so I'll wait and see how that turns out. Finally calls him by his name.
- So I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, fingers crossed...should be a problem...and I have to remember to get my eye appoinment booked, I noticed just how bad my eyes are getting! Yay, he'll let me know ;p
- Messing around with camera settings. The water bottle was with "vivid" and the others were with "dawn/dusk." I'm trying to either achieve an over saturated look or a muted look.