Sunday, 30 March 2008


{My hair was actually decent today, good curls, and I felt inspired to take some photos. Although I'm not happy with my nose, let's not concentrate on that. Let's see the good.}

{Then I had to take a photo of even more flowers I picked}

" that class, Miss Brit's class...the one with the terrible group I interesting. I know you are probably sick of hearing about this, but I've never come into such horrible groups in my life until I attended Bond. I guess when you take international students with different work ethics and work ways and then add in the fact that most aren't here to study (just to hang out in Aus for a bit), group work won't work. So Ines, the French girl, did it again to us and I have facebook to thank for it. She added me for some reason and thankfully it helped in my favour because she posted she was going to this Bond sponsored presentation at 4pm, which is one hour after our meeting time. Instead of telling us that, she texted me with, "Hey jen, I can't go to the mtg. I should have my part done by Tues. I have my pres tomorrow to worry about" (as if having a presentation stops her from meeting us for a whole hour). I texted back asking her to send what she's done, since the meeting solely relies on her work. She never texted back.

Unfortunately, there's more. Ten minutes before we were due to meet Shivang cancelled as well and never got back to me like he promised (he must've sensed how pissed I was in my tone over the phone). All because he wanted to watch the billionaire Sir Richard Branson of the Virgin group came to Bond to give a whole 30 minutes of a presentation (I wonder how much that cost us students for Bond to do that?). Reasonable I thought, until he never came to the meeting after Branson's presentation. And this is the last meeting I wanted since we have to present this coming Monday.

You can imagine I'm livid. Ying actually had to calm me down (not that I went ballistic).

Maybe I'm being irrational? Maybe I have to accept that most people aren't going to do their share of the work?"

Ying said to be calm about it, that we're doing a peer evaluation. So let's hope.

Uni Residents
  • Ying was acting like a good friend again, but will I have it? Not sure yet. We just don't mix well.
  • I ran into Jillian's friend who was nice and talkative. Considering no need since she barely knows me.