Best friend emails: Bear.
American friend emails: Christina, Jess, Kenny, Melissa at times, and once Kristen.
Family emails: Mary Rose, Lisa, Marcia, and sometimes Cassidy.
Christina's response to "I hope to see you when I get back": Get a hold of me when your back in the states mate!
CHANGE Will he remember? No. Did I get out without him noticing the plate? Hopefully. It was like a little adventure in the way that it deviated from the typical and there I was feeling awkward until I got to the fourth floor to stash my food. Temporarily. In a drawer of a random sink down a semi-secluded hallway.
LIFE HERE {As written to Gaz} Strangest thing happened. I was in line at the Brasserie and the place was packed (even the "reserve" section was filled) and for some reason I was getting nervous. Typically my heart races and I just want out of there because meanwhile people are pushing and blocking your way so you can't see the food. But I was surprisingly calm and, I don't know, I actually felt like I live here now. Like this is my home in a way, whereas last semester I would do just about anything to get out of this uni. And the other day, my communication lecturer made fun of Cleveland like it has no importance and all I could think is maybe he's never heard of it? I mean, I admit the place is not up there like NYC and LA, but I don't understand why he would mock it, not that I care much because it's just interesting to see that reaction.
Also the other day I realized that even considering how I lived last semester (basically in seclusion unless I was in class), I don't mind living on my own, so to speak (technically, do I live on my own if I'm in a dorm?). Then again, maybe I don't mind because there are the dormies and I go to class regularly which forces me out amongst all those cliques, which I would stay away from otherwise.