Thursday, 27 September 2007


UNI CLASSWORK "We are a minority here," Stephen said, but why? Do Aussies really align with Americans only when it benefits them? That great thing was he sat by me, meaning German boy couldn't, and I was much more relaxed because of it. In fact, he joined me outside the classroom, sitting next to me, and talking while we waited for the room to be opened. Joey joined a bit later, sat next to me to see what I was typing on my laptop, and I was just enjoying the comfort of having two "close" class friends.

UNI RESIDENTS The biggest surprise had to be Elaine coming up behind me, "Jennifer!" at the end, leading to lunch together which had pleasant pauses, and a nice dessert encounter. The cool hair Brasserie worker smiled at me and said, "see ya" and so it always feels good when they "know" you and acknowledge that.

UNI CLASSWORK Ashnita and I talked before Regional, but I want to make it my goal that we talk more. I want to get closer to her, although it will be tough. Class itself was good and Gillian had to do my presentation instead:

(per Gaz):
"Had to miss last week because I was sick, so thankfully I managed to luck out, but the poor Canadian had to pay for it. Apparently the lecturer was going to assign me a presentation for this week on the differences and similarities of US and Canada. Gillian did much, much better than I ever would have been able to do but I felt bad because she was so stressed out about it and shaking a lot. Then the lecturer called NZ "our version of Mexico" and class was over."

LITTLE PLEASURES Pearly added me on facebook! I was smiling and very excited. (Per Gaz):
"I couldn't believe it, but somehow Pearly found me and added me on facebook out of no where...I haven't talked to her since that one pub night November before I left after our little tiff over nothing. It was a pleasant surprise, just kind of wondering how she found me? (Didn't know she remembered my last name). Anyway, she's down in Melbourne, which means I was reminded how much I miss that city (it was definitely my favorite one we saw)."

I told her if she's ever up here to come visit. She seems really friendly and nice so far! Another lost friend has been gained again.

Then there's the pleasure of Mr. South Africa initiating talk for once and then saying, "See ya".

Lastly, Elaine came to visit again, although it wasn't smooth because I was so caught off guard. Hopefully she does it more often though.