UNI RESIDENTS She must be American. Undergrad, too. A cute boyfriend and I think she's American (I can never tell anymore since Aussie is just as normal!) because visiting boys said, "slurpee!" So she's not alone. So she has a few boys over. It's odd how it's not quiet anymore. Therefore I hope we do become friends (her idea after all). Now to get that going...How did it happen at Hargraves?
Woke this morning with the urge to work in my moleskine, but what would I write or draw? Jess emailed and it seems excited, but I haven't read it yet. She was the one I wanted to hear back from the most, but I was expecting at least Cassidy to email as well (maybe too soon?). I'm fearing Gaz, as if I did it too early, but it's nothing out of the ordinary for me to reply right away. I just hope he emails soon. If not, he will eventually.
Turned my head to the side and watched the little blinking bar instead of the words and I love this new perspective. See things differently.
The boys are going back and forth from her room. It's going to be a noisy dorm this semester- good. I just want to be included. It's like Hargraves all over again.
Later that night Jenny stopped by to welcome the new girl. I heard her say as she left "Jen is here" but I'm not sure why since I couldn't hear the whole deal. But I thought it was sweet she still remembers and that she mentioned me.
Woke this morning with the urge to work in my moleskine, but what would I write or draw? Jess emailed and it seems excited, but I haven't read it yet. She was the one I wanted to hear back from the most, but I was expecting at least Cassidy to email as well (maybe too soon?). I'm fearing Gaz, as if I did it too early, but it's nothing out of the ordinary for me to reply right away. I just hope he emails soon. If not, he will eventually.
Turned my head to the side and watched the little blinking bar instead of the words and I love this new perspective. See things differently.
The boys are going back and forth from her room. It's going to be a noisy dorm this semester- good. I just want to be included. It's like Hargraves all over again.
Later that night Jenny stopped by to welcome the new girl. I heard her say as she left "Jen is here" but I'm not sure why since I couldn't hear the whole deal. But I thought it was sweet she still remembers and that she mentioned me.
Gareth Thomas to me 12:24pm (11 hours ago)
Hey Gen
So I woke up exhausted today, which is weird because I skipped the gym yesterday- wonder why? I did go to the gym just then to make up for missing he last couple of days, but after...oh...twenty second on the bike and then the treadmill it didn't look like that was going to happen, good thing is I actually got a weights session out of the way for the first time in four weeks (feels better than nothing. I might just have a movie session today, sitting in front of the heater?)
I guess I'll try doing a bit of homework too. Search the internet for a few leg etc exercises other wise I'll never get it done.
That and return the video (I've got more fines, I was to stuffed to bother yesterday- nobody should have to get up that early, even if they've got no choice).
I've run out of money like always, but I've already sent an SOS to mum. Asked for thirty and she's going to give me fifty- I love how they always do that (she knows it's fifty I really want anyway, who asks for thirty dollars? It's a stupid amount).
So I'll try to finish my other book later and get started on harry potter I guess- may as well.
I'd visit the tattooist today except that I'm too zoned out and I've got no money anyway. It'd feel weird going in and not making a booking (plus he'll just tell me to come back monday anyway), so Monday it is, then booking the soonest time I can.
And that's about all, oh except I did a massive pooh this morning- felt so good, it's not going to last.
I'm betting you made it back fine...stay away from annoying 'knowitall's, I think a kick in the balls is a perfectly understandable reaction.
I'd write more, but as you can see, not much happens in my life in twenty four hours (guy at the gym had nice arms though...bastard)
See ya,
PS. find out wht all the asian dishes are, my minds going crazy with curiosity!

KNITTING Oh, how I missed you so! The majority of the down time in Canberra I was craving to work on my blanket, have to relax and half to just get my first finished knitted project. Today I did just that. I got the urge to sew the pieces together, on inspiration, and it worked so nicely and they are as if knitted together. Only problem is the obvious jagged edge, however this is my first blanket and I'm proud of it regardless. I did it with no help.
Brown side: 71cm
Blue side: 62cm
In total: there will be three brown, two blue. The middle brown will be "fancy" (the last piece I will do).
Maybe one fifth of it is finished, and I feel so good now that two pieces are together and I know this will work. I've pushed myself to continue.
But do I keep it, give it to mom, or to Bear? Decisions, decisions.
WELLBEING Rules to live by: live by your rules. Don't stick with what is easy or familiar, or else you will not discover or learn. Be kinder. Be patienter. Laugh and smile more. Take some chances and risks. Be bold when need be. Be confident. Know that you belong here as well. Don't sabotage friendships. Value those you have. Believe in yourself. Be positive. Know your life will get even better. Remember you always have Gareth. Don't waste time. Dream. Listen. Look. Try again and again. Let go of the bad. Remember and record. Don't worry about tomorrow and live for today. Make the most of what you have and remember that it can always be worse.
KNITTING Oh, how I missed you so! The majority of the down time in Canberra I was craving to work on my blanket, have to relax and half to just get my first finished knitted project. Today I did just that. I got the urge to sew the pieces together, on inspiration, and it worked so nicely and they are as if knitted together. Only problem is the obvious jagged edge, however this is my first blanket and I'm proud of it regardless. I did it with no help.
Brown side: 71cm
Blue side: 62cm
In total: there will be three brown, two blue. The middle brown will be "fancy" (the last piece I will do).
Maybe one fifth of it is finished, and I feel so good now that two pieces are together and I know this will work. I've pushed myself to continue.
But do I keep it, give it to mom, or to Bear? Decisions, decisions.
WELLBEING Rules to live by: live by your rules. Don't stick with what is easy or familiar, or else you will not discover or learn. Be kinder. Be patienter. Laugh and smile more. Take some chances and risks. Be bold when need be. Be confident. Know that you belong here as well. Don't sabotage friendships. Value those you have. Believe in yourself. Be positive. Know your life will get even better. Remember you always have Gareth. Don't waste time. Dream. Listen. Look. Try again and again. Let go of the bad. Remember and record. Don't worry about tomorrow and live for today. Make the most of what you have and remember that it can always be worse.