Wednesday, 26 September 2007


I'm doing a lot of work and barely procrastinating! It feels so good, too.

UNI CLASSWORK good thing I really was sick, because it gave me a cover for missing the day before. He's so nice regardless, but I felt guilty since that was not the reason I skipped yesterday (it was to avoid the role play). The tute was fun again; thankfully.

DISCOVERED during the tute I was opinionated and I wanted to talk, which means I have the ability. The reason I don't in class? A large audience. So I must imagine the class is smaller and be more confident, because I can do it. I just get nervous and then I can't think clearly otherwise.

UNI RESIDENTS I happened to look up as American-Florida, Annalisa, went by and she gave me a nice smile and wave. It was a great coincidence. And Melissa? She's growing on me and I hope to run into her outside of class, because she's very nice and easy to talk to (English is great). The tute is fun with her and I learn a lot about Taiwan, so it's very pleasant.

LITTLE PLEASURES I discovered a new hideaway in line with the North Tower, on the the lake, that is perfect to sit on and study. It was such a pleasure sitting there in the setting sun reading about the regions of the world coming to power for regional study tomorrow.

IM/Text/Email/Post Another two pager? I really wasn't suspecting that because I figure his last one was just a blessing. It was yet another good email and I was happy to see he gave me his new number (aw, because he's a silly boy who doesn't think of those things). He even talked about his troubles with Sam, which didn't even phase me, wow.

KNITTING Mom sent me new yarn and it's been three weeks since I've been able to, so this feel so good. I'm like a novice-pro, still going fast and I haven't forgotten it. I'm using my wrist brace as well, and it is slowing me down just a bit, but it feels so much better.

I managed just over two inches (about six centimetres) before I had to do the rest of my work tomorrow.