UNI CLASSWORK I'm not quite sure the point of our tutes (for communication class) when the entire time he answers for me (because surely he knows my culture) and then skips over me and asks about Melissa's culture (Taiwanese). Not that I mind he skips over me, but I kind of feel like I'm intruding when it's quite apparent he could care less and feels forced with asking me the same tute questions as for Melissa. He reminds me so much of my Spanish independent study professor (same deal, where we were one on one instead of in a class) where he doesn't listen, plays with his nails, and goes "uh-huh" when he's not belittling me (okay, maybe I'm bias, but the entire time for our tute this week he put words in my mouth and skipped over me).
Melissa was so sweet and asked nicely about the Gold Coast attitude towards foreigners and he blew it over, even when she explained why she was asking (an egg was thrown at her the other day). So maybe he's such an "academic" that he wants to be in control? On the way out I gave it a personal touch, telling her it was horrible what happened and that I hope it never happens again. We talked till we reached the bottom and went our way with laughs.
"Enter now! Win a $16K adventure holiday to Rajasthan, India."
My email or Bear's email messed up and I received a blank! Although, I'm thrilled regardless because he thought of me and emailed me today, because his emailed yesterday was sort of "I don't know when the library will be fixed" kind :) I just wish I knew what he said, but I let him know and hopefully it will come whole soon. So I felt great and wanted to give him another email with some content it in, but... opps, I emailed him like he did the time I sent a blank (his CSU account wouldn't let him receive it) and I just realized that he may not get to let me know what he had said in the other email?
UNI RESIDENTS On the way to dinner I ran into Audrey and we chatted till I reached the Brasserie and she stood there waving me goodbye and telling me to enjoy dinner. She's so sweet. Maybe too sweet for me, but I like having a friend in the dorm.
IM/Text/Email/Post Elaine called, surprisingly, and she was asking about something of marketing which could've waited until tomorrow when we have class, meaning it was bothering her and she needed me to make her feel better. I don't mind, I just wish I had her support when I was new last semester, that's for sure.

Melissa was so sweet and asked nicely about the Gold Coast attitude towards foreigners and he blew it over, even when she explained why she was asking (an egg was thrown at her the other day). So maybe he's such an "academic" that he wants to be in control? On the way out I gave it a personal touch, telling her it was horrible what happened and that I hope it never happens again. We talked till we reached the bottom and went our way with laughs.
"Enter now! Win a $16K adventure holiday to Rajasthan, India."
My email or Bear's email messed up and I received a blank! Although, I'm thrilled regardless because he thought of me and emailed me today, because his emailed yesterday was sort of "I don't know when the library will be fixed" kind :) I just wish I knew what he said, but I let him know and hopefully it will come whole soon. So I felt great and wanted to give him another email with some content it in, but... opps, I emailed him like he did the time I sent a blank (his CSU account wouldn't let him receive it) and I just realized that he may not get to let me know what he had said in the other email?
UNI RESIDENTS On the way to dinner I ran into Audrey and we chatted till I reached the Brasserie and she stood there waving me goodbye and telling me to enjoy dinner. She's so sweet. Maybe too sweet for me, but I like having a friend in the dorm.
IM/Text/Email/Post Elaine called, surprisingly, and she was asking about something of marketing which could've waited until tomorrow when we have class, meaning it was bothering her and she needed me to make her feel better. I don't mind, I just wish I had her support when I was new last semester, that's for sure.