UNI CLASSWORK it was a means to get out of the room, but I was also motivated by the realization that our mid-term exam is in just over a week. So at 11pm I went to the second floor of the Uni Centre to study by speaking outloud and repeatedly going over the same chapters, making my voice ache (still) after two hours of studying in such way. I've discovered that I study better not in a library or in my room, but outside when it's sunny. I had the view of the lake and it was shimmering and gorgeous in itself.
UNI RESIDENTS The Brasserie woman I like looked surprise I was getting "for here" and I took a leap and got nachos, knowing the noise would drown out my crunching anyway. And so Elaine arrived and we ate, while she discussed a Canadian she met who is already give her "gifts" after knowing her for only a couple of weeks. Her solution? To invite me along next time when they have dinner, as if to say she's not interested that way. The Chinese have a way of being sneaky and not asking, but doing stuff this way intentionally to get what they want. At times I feel like she's using me, because I'm constantly doing what she wants. She doesn't want to shop alone, so she asks me. She doesn't want to eat alone, so she asks me. She wants to get rid of a guy, so she invites me.
We went to get our dessert and she tried again to flirt with James, but he gave her a cold face, but then smiled at me. I asked for a water and he gave me that cute, snarky, joking look. "What? You have no chocolate cake!"
Outside we sat while we watched a wedding reception out on the lawn, chatting and eating our "dessert". Jillian walked by, glad was I to have her see me with a friend, and she asked, "Want to crash a wedding later?" "How did she say the same you said?" Elaine asked. Well, I guess Americans were influenced by the Wedding Crashers? When Jillian came back I told her she just missed the wine and we laughed.
It feels good, like a community, to have people know you. It's warm inside to not feel alone. To feel like you belong.
UNI RESIDENTS The Brasserie woman I like looked surprise I was getting "for here" and I took a leap and got nachos, knowing the noise would drown out my crunching anyway. And so Elaine arrived and we ate, while she discussed a Canadian she met who is already give her "gifts" after knowing her for only a couple of weeks. Her solution? To invite me along next time when they have dinner, as if to say she's not interested that way. The Chinese have a way of being sneaky and not asking, but doing stuff this way intentionally to get what they want. At times I feel like she's using me, because I'm constantly doing what she wants. She doesn't want to shop alone, so she asks me. She doesn't want to eat alone, so she asks me. She wants to get rid of a guy, so she invites me.
We went to get our dessert and she tried again to flirt with James, but he gave her a cold face, but then smiled at me. I asked for a water and he gave me that cute, snarky, joking look. "What? You have no chocolate cake!"
Outside we sat while we watched a wedding reception out on the lawn, chatting and eating our "dessert". Jillian walked by, glad was I to have her see me with a friend, and she asked, "Want to crash a wedding later?" "How did she say the same you said?" Elaine asked. Well, I guess Americans were influenced by the Wedding Crashers? When Jillian came back I told her she just missed the wine and we laughed.
It feels good, like a community, to have people know you. It's warm inside to not feel alone. To feel like you belong.