Friday, 12 October 2007


Boys were out throwing a rugby ball in tighty-whitey boxer briefs, while I smiled, and wondered how they can do that with each other? Otherwise I woke to a nice surprise of another reply from Gaz, a fourth.

IM/Text/Email/Post "Looks like I'll just be heading home for a few days instead...some sort of recovery. The main agenda- good food, peace, and quiet and sleep...I hope the music' stopped, how can anyone like that stuff? I guess we're both stuck where we don't belong...for now. Hope your finally sleeping well. 4:08:49am"

After he texted me that morning and I texted back, I found an email that early evening. I was joking with myself about him emailing me...but there it was. And although it was nice, it made me sad because it was so unloving and he didn't mention my birthday again.

Then again I find babies grotesque too, I'd don't have any desires to fulfill there (...yet)

Oh well, I've got my bus ticket back home...wonder how long I'll stay for? Till next weekend? The decision is do I stay for an extra half week and consiquently become unemployed but feel so much better (at least 'potentially')...or do I stay till Monday, come back tuesday for a measly two hours at the pool? I'm leaning towards a certian direction, and I think we both know which one it is.

I've always seen New Zealand as a extra large Tasmania, dagginess and all...but I'm starting to fantasise'll lead to a dangerous obsession.

Okay, chicken soup and guinness for dinner, with lots of pepper (they used to drink ale as a health thing back in the middle ages so guinness might just work)...I'll get mum to buy a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables when I get there, and some meusli...haven't eaten any meusli since slushies, meusli, and steamed vegetables, let's see how that works after a week (and the occasional beer of course...ah, no chocolate or caffiene...can I do it).

I get that, Canberra looks nice but it's boring as hell, no character at all.

Eh, don't worry the important thing is the people who are worth knowing'll put the time in to get past that stage...otherwise I'd never have a friend to speak of.

I can't wait to get some real sleep back home (at least that's the plan...someone'll pay if it doesn't happen, probably me).

Okay it's time to run, my turn on the home computer is over.
See you, Gareth.

TRAVEL After some research I've chosen NZ over Tasmania, but knowing I can't do this without Bear hurts. He's the one that did the planning internally and he's the one who made the traveling bearable.

AS TOLD TO GAZ: It was such a slow start this morning, but it got better. Elaine turned me down about skipping her classes Monday to join me at Sea World to celebrate my oh-so-lovely birthday, so I may be going to Surfers alone. We had a meeting at 3pm, as every Friday goes. She and the German made our meeting pointless, but it was pretty fun when we were looking at the world map and comparing our cultures. The way out of the library we were stuck under the arch building waiting for the rain to let up, so the German guy was asking me questions about home, what I'm doing for my birthday, if I've seen the waterfalls...and then I saw a beautiful full, double rainbow. On our way to dinner we ran into a group of young New Zealanders who needed to find their way to the Princeton Room (the room where they have meetings) and the Brasserie worker I like (which is rare) made me laugh because she was surprised I was actually eating in. Why do Chinese insist on sharing food when they don't like something?? She made me eat her tandoori chicken because she didn't like it, but she said it was because she was full (it was so hot compared to how I make it!). Her boyfriend is flying in from the U.S. to visit her, so I'm incredibly jealous of that. On the way "home" (i just realized today that living on campus and going to your room afterwards doesn't feel as satisfying as driving home after class on campus), I ended up running into the guy who invited me last week to the BBQ and asked why I didn't come, so I may have to skip out on his invite again this week (it scares me...but he's pretty nice and I like some of the other guys).

I forgot about the part of seeing Ashnita waving to me while we were waiting for the rain to let up, and a nice and easy chat with both Malaysians when I got back to my dorm. It was a really satisfying, social day.