Tuesday, 4 December 2007


I had a feeling I would run into Peter Meggitt and I can't explain why, but I actually did it and I was actually right and there he was standing with that smile at the counter of the Brasserie. I tried to play it off, try to blow it off, and he interrupted me while I was talking to the blond because he just cannot clam down. Move, move, move. Thankfully I shouldn't have to see him again. He treats his multinational students like prizes, trying to collect each country, and he doesn't enjoy the American ones. So, thank you Peter, no more of you.

Blond woman was nice thankfully, but not to Peter even though he explained to them that he's never done this before. And when I came back for dessert, the other Bond Cafe worker was very nice and smiled at me. The other one just doesn't express herself apparently.

I studied properly by finally, finally, finally throwing my laptop off my desk and using it to actually study and not as a laptop holder. It felt great, too.

The dorm pain-in-the-ass is back, 5pm she arrived, and once again I planned her arrival by just guessing. All the noise, laughing, loudness, so I blasted the TV on 14 and they quieted down. I get this intuition where I just sense things. Although she wasn't loud that night, I still couldn't sleep as I wasn't used to her presence any longer.

Ying is unhealthly obsessed with me. She came to the dorm while I was masterbating, of all times, and then texted (I have no credit), and then called (two rings as always and I couldn't get to the phone fast enough). She was upset I had no contact with her when in reality that is not my job. She can't just use me. I'm busy, she's busy. She wanted to know where I was. Her English is bad and makes her sound like a bitch who is demanding where I am. Like, How Dare I! I hope I wasn't stern but I wasn't giggly nice, just asking her, "what's wrong?" Like, Why Contact Me Like This? Obsessed much?