BEST FRIEND Now I'm worrying he'll never come live in America or that I'll never see him unless I come back to live here, even though he told me he wants to live there (and not Canada and not Australia). He's just not reliable. He's probably changed his mind and wants to stay here. Am I over-analyzing? Probably, but I don't care.
Best part of this slow day? Gaz emailing me at 8am and waking up at 10am finding it, smiling, feeling great.
Hours later I'm okay again, finished reading Angela's Ashes, and I finally finished Shrek 3 (which was not good, as I figured, but I'm desperate for entertainment). How funny it is how I track each day but not when I was actually having fun and creating this Aussie foundation.
Best part of this slow day? Gaz emailing me at 8am and waking up at 10am finding it, smiling, feeling great.
Hours later I'm okay again, finished reading Angela's Ashes, and I finally finished Shrek 3 (which was not good, as I figured, but I'm desperate for entertainment). How funny it is how I track each day but not when I was actually having fun and creating this Aussie foundation.