I woke up, let my hair down, and was amazed by the curliness the new humidity makes. I let it be, feeling lovely and different, and walked around like I owned it. Hiding in Cerum I found three emails, a first in a long time, from Gaz and Kenny and Jess.
This is not Christmas. No chrissy songs. No snow. No coldness or apple cider or chrissy decorations in stores like someone puked it all up.
This is not Christmas. No chrissy songs. No snow. No coldness or apple cider or chrissy decorations in stores like someone puked it all up.
Thursdays are great because it means the burger section at the Brasserie and she was nice enough to give me two patties, and there I was enjoying them alone at Cerum until two younger workers came half-way through and I waited and waited. They never left, so I did, to another part where I at in peace. Why do Aussies insist on sitting so close?