I want to create beautiful things. I wish I had my old talent back, or maybe it's just on hold because of uni.
KNITTING A few days ago I finished a knitted cozy of a squid and also a few days ago I finished adding ears to my red & cream (original) ipod cozy. Knitting the bear ears made carrying that ipod around even more fun. It's embarrassing, but it's mine, it's fun, and it's cute.
CREATIVITY this creative piece from pushing daisies (season 1, episode 8) made me giggle so hard since it was unexpected, sweet, and the delivery was perfect. This is what sparked my desire to be creative.

UNI RESIDENTS Stephen stood me up, which is unusually, even though he is usually late. I was glad because I got there and didn't want him to show, even though it would've helped me. That's how I get these days. I want to do it, go to do it, and then I don't.
On the way to lunch the redhead wasn't very friendly, overly like usual, but on the way out I ran into one of the workers I see smoking under the passway and he said, "Oh, thanks, love" when I was holding my cup of coke and waiting for them to move a large door. It made me laugh and giggle.
Before dinner made me feel special. Stephen came to find me for the exam and it felt great running after him, all free, talking in the common room.
Afterwards I realized how nice it is not to have Ying around all the goddamn time. I like peace.
BEST FRIEND Gaz emailed me. It wasn't very friendly or caring, so I've already written a short draft to send tomorrow. Meh. I'm losing so much love for him.
Gareth's an asshole and I don't care, and then I do care. So I sent him a semi-cold, semi-fuck you email. Like a I don't need you kind.
KNITTING A few days ago I finished a knitted cozy of a squid and also a few days ago I finished adding ears to my red & cream (original) ipod cozy. Knitting the bear ears made carrying that ipod around even more fun. It's embarrassing, but it's mine, it's fun, and it's cute.
CREATIVITY this creative piece from pushing daisies (season 1, episode 8) made me giggle so hard since it was unexpected, sweet, and the delivery was perfect. This is what sparked my desire to be creative.
UNI RESIDENTS Stephen stood me up, which is unusually, even though he is usually late. I was glad because I got there and didn't want him to show, even though it would've helped me. That's how I get these days. I want to do it, go to do it, and then I don't.
On the way to lunch the redhead wasn't very friendly, overly like usual, but on the way out I ran into one of the workers I see smoking under the passway and he said, "Oh, thanks, love" when I was holding my cup of coke and waiting for them to move a large door. It made me laugh and giggle.
Before dinner made me feel special. Stephen came to find me for the exam and it felt great running after him, all free, talking in the common room.
Dinner was fun. Brunette-teeth woman was laughing so hard because she didn't notice me standing there and short-blond got the take-away tray because she didn't hear. On the way back to my bungie for once Jillian jumped when she saw me on the porch and we were laughing so hard because I'm always the one jumping.
Afterwards I realized how nice it is not to have Ying around all the goddamn time. I like peace.
BEST FRIEND Gaz emailed me. It wasn't very friendly or caring, so I've already written a short draft to send tomorrow. Meh. I'm losing so much love for him.
Gareth's an asshole and I don't care, and then I do care. So I sent him a semi-cold, semi-fuck you email. Like a I don't need you kind.