Saturday, 16 February 2008


UNI RESIDENTS Before I go into the boring of a day today was (other than I'm proud at how much I studied), I want to go back and re-look at things I've missed. First of all, Jillian said this to me on Valentine's day which I thought was really sweet: "I saw you all dressed up in the brasserie" and we were talking and joking together while her friend smiled. I said "see ya" and she told me to have a nice day. So maybe she's not as snobby as I thought? Maybe she thought I was snobby? Not sure, but something did a 360 this semester.

But also, if I didn't write it, there was the day that started the Jill-ness really. I heard a scream and walked out for lunch to find all her friends there crowding the way. They said hello (first shock), said they were sorry (second), then Jill said she liked my shirt (third), and the previously "mean" girl told another to move out of my way (final shock).

CULTURE Then I saw this cultural thing later that same day: The Chinese non-stop joke with *each other* and laugh and tease and touch each other. But the greatest thing? I didn't want to go for sushi and I didn't want for Ying to miraculously meet her friend by chance, but I found $20 on the way home. The third time, too. The first was $10 while I took a bathroom stall after a Japanese girl in Byron Bay. The second was $5 that dropped from Jillian's bag. Yeah, I took it. Ugh.

YING So I think I've figured it out about what bothers me about the short, Chinese girl I know as Ying. Simply stated, she has no opinions of her own. She decided she was homesick when I said I was last semester. She decided to go into international business because I am, along with the other smart individuals in my degree. She decided she was fat because I went on a diet. She decided that the best way to exercise is to do "small things like sit-ups" after I told her that weeks ago. She can't think for herself. She thinks what others think.

But there's also the Chinese culture. This is where I'm mixed. She'll tell me her accomplishments, and yet she hates it when I accomplish something (she goes silent and ignores me). Hmm.

CULTURE But aren't I here to learn cultures and how to deal with them? Didn't I get the highest grade for Intercultural Communication? And yet I can't stand her culture. She's nearly impossible to deal with. It seems like I can only do wrong because I'm trying to assimilate with her when she won't with westerners.

EMAIL I felt good this morning waking up to emails from Betty, Mary Rose, and Arthur making me feel I had some love. Yes, me and Betty are talking again every since Grandpa called her by accident when he used my cell, making her think I cared, and she told me she still did. So here we are, talking like nothing happened. It's surprisingly easy. In fact, why did we stop talking? Just because of Franzi?