Saturday, 9 February 2008


UNI RESIDENTS I kept moving around campus, going from the labs (which were full) to the law sitting area (where I saw Tim from my Macca's adventure looking at me as if he was trying to figure out if he he knew me) to the student lounge balcony and back to the uni centre couches. However I just couldn't get comfortable. Sitting all the time wrecks my back and patient, and yet it felt wonderful to move around and be out in the sun. Lately, or rather for a month now, it's so hot that I sweat from the moment the sun is out and to the moment it sets. I will be deodorant on and I still sweat and smell disgusting.

At dinner Toby went to me and asked if I'd taken OB, then asking questions while staring at my upper lip. How can a gay who people make fun of make fun of others? I played nice and tried helping but he wasn't really listening even though he wanted the help. He's one of those people who want temporary attention from everyone to feel important, which is why he left while I was still talking without saying goodbye. Do I care? Honestly not.

Then Mike wasn't that friendly today, maybe because he was in a bad mood.

Gaz surprised me and emailed a few hours after I had emailed him! So while he didn't mention me wanting to go to NZ with him one day, he did add these bits:

"Can you apply for a short term course (say one that goes for three months-photography fundamentals or something) and get a really short term visa approved for that? Or would that be just like applying for a permanent visa?"

"Same back at you, try to relax, don't focus to much on whether you've made the right choices or not (I do it non-stop...It's easy to see it's getting me nowhere). Eat some sushi, that's always good!"

"So I'll tell you how the next houses go (wonder what reasons they'll think up?Not German? Not gay? Not a uni student? It'll be interesting)."

I hate when I get nervous for no reason. Like some dipshit trying to get my attention because Jillian locked herself out. But I do feel bad after hearing her call my name (how does she remember by the way?), because I would help her but I wasn't dressed and I was afraid it was her friend doing it. But luckily I didn't have any noise going or the bright lights on. She thinks I'm not in her, heard her say it, which is great. Afterwards I felt so bad because I wanted to help but I wasn't dressed and I had already ignored her at first.