Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Entry ?

UNI CLASSWORK It's Wednesday and I had a meeting with Ying and Ashnita, following the fall out with Ying yesterday and naturally I was worried that Ying would push me out of our group. And so there was a saving grace with Arthur texted to say he was in the library and I went to join him to avoid waiting alone. It was even better when Ash called to ask about what room we were in and I knew for sure that Ying didn't sabotage me.

UNI RESIDENTS Thus when I found Arthur outside the room I felt better since when Ying went by I didn't have to deal with her at all. Best came when Ash arrived, stopped to chat, and we were laughing with Art as well.

UNI CLASSWORK & YING Ash and I walked into the room. I sat semi across from Ying and we ignored each other until...I actually talked of her and she then semi looked at me and acknowledged my suggestions like I was doing. First I was surprised by her maturity, but also mine! While we were leaving Ash was talking about rugby and I felt cool because I watch it to and love it as well.

INVITES We were laughing about that, and when Ash and I walked out, we stopped by Arthur. Ash found out I was going back home in August/September, she invited me to stop in Fiji since she'd be home and said I could visit her.

UNI RESIDENTS Art and I walked over to the STA like planned where we ran into Toby on the way out. I was surprised, but he stayed 30 minutes to talk to us about his woes in life and I felt good because I love being with Arthur and running into people for chats. I know them as well, but I rarely stop to talk like Art does. And then we ran into Dino who sat really close to me for a guy and for a Chinese person...

WELLBEING I now actually feel much better, just like when I got rid of Franzi, because it's like a bad part of my life is finally gone and I don't have to deal with it no longer. I no longer have to worry about her ugly Chinese stares, pauses during my happiness, and belittling of my life. Not to forget those forced conversations and annoying dinners.