Thursday, 31 July 2008

Entry ?

I had a meeting with Ashnita at 1pm, so I went over to the library to see the boys, Stephen and Arthur, meanwhile. However, Ash sent me a text cancelling and I was elated that I didn't have to deal with it. But meanwhile I had to deal with Stephen and his bullshit. He started arguing with me that I needed PR to live there. "I don't want to live here. I love my country. Why should I?" "Australia's a haven!" I laughed at him. I couldn't stop myself. "I talked to my uncle, I talked to his friends, and I talked with two foreign doctors who all said this program is bullshit and I don't need a visa." Why does he even care? I wasn't upset, but I was shaking because I'm not used to taking him on. He wasn't even that passionate either, because for once someone was calling him out on things.

It felt great.

"Now I'm debating if I should do this," Arthur said. He's such a sheep. He'll do whatever someone persuades him to do, but it makes me laugh because he's so stupid. He's not doing this to live in Australia, but to get out of the US since Stephen's telling him it's going down.

"We'll miss your smiling face," Stephen said in all sincerity. Does he just want me to live here for someone to talk to with Arthur?!

I had to go to the cashiers and on the way I ran into the accommodation lady who still remembered me. How does she do it? She asked me about me being on the waiting list, and then off I went to cashiers with a nice lady to help me.

11:11 my iTouch said. Perfect timing.

Lunch was over in the cafe with my brasserie food with Stephen and Arthur again. The middle-easterner next to us was eyeing my seat as if he wanted to use it, so I asked, but he brushed me off. What, because I'm a useless girl? Regardless I felt good just offering at least.

But then Arthur brought up me leaving the Gold Coast and asked if I'm coming back up before I go home. What is he upset that I'm not doing the PR program? And Stephen's convinced I will want to stay because of Gaz, but I adamantly denied it because I won't. I already went through it and survived. So is this him just looking out for me, or being an asshole?

Then Stephen kept asking how long I will be on the coast. Uhh, why? Caring again?

The three of us went to see Aslihan, who was nicest to me and Arthur becasue we were polite and talked about her life. Stephen just barged in, sat down, didn't offer me a seat (Arthur did), and kept talking about his life. Aslihan was focusing on us two with chit chat, not Stephen. I watched him get what he wanted by asking directly if she had the answer for something, and when she wouldn't say, he got up and looked at her answer book.

What an asshole.

We ran into Alex on the way out, and he finally acknowledged me for the first time in almost a week, since Zala attacked us. It felt good to know there's nothing bad between us.

LIFE HERE Back with Stephen and Arthur while they did their thing, and I tried to work on HRM. I hate Stephen and yet I can't get away from him...that's terrible. I said the words "loo" and "oopsie daisy" since I've lived here so long and both boys noticed. "You sound Aussie." DUH, it's called assimilating. "You'll do well traveling," said Stephen. "I know. I assimilate unlike most people I meet here," with a gab at Arthur, wondering if he noticed.

LITTLE PLEASURES I had a nice talk to Mike at dinner again, and he asked me, "how's studying going?" just to get the conversation going. And it went. We talked about how you can tell what day it is by what they are serving. We talked about staying all day with Stephen and Arthur, even though I hate it, just because it happens. He scoffed at Stephen's stupid, "Australia is a haven!" which made me feel great that he agrees. Then he asked me to send him my IFM study guide with that flirting smile. All while bending down to talk to me (to hide, or to get closer, I don't know), which was lovely. "Yeah, you weren't there," He said when I mentioned how Ash told me he came to visit. Aw! We kept at it until the guy came by and asked for some chips.