Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Entry ?

UNI CLASSWORK Tuesday, which as always, is Entrepreneurship and IFM. I went in ignoring the Canadian yet again, because he's arrogant and thinks he can act American, until he spoke for some reason. He asked if I've been paying attention to the election and I told him yes but I've given up. Okay, a good start, until he started his whole "I'm Canadian" and "The US is not ready for a black president" and "All the news here is American news" shit. I then chose to ignore him and decided to talk to Nash who is more intellectually stimulating. Once May came, as well as Dino, we were at our group dynamics laughing and joking. In fact, Dino's never joked and laughed so much with me before.

Next was my tutorial where I chose to ignored Mike, who for some reason (yet again) felt compelled to say hello. I ignored the first one (after what Ying did I didn't want to seem clingy now) but he said it a second time louder. He asked why I looked grumpy and I made up some stress issue.

My tutorial was actually pretty interesting as we had a question regarding J.C. Penney in our textbook (which was written by an American) and our professor said, "everyone knows them." So one of the Aussies told her that no, because it's an American company, and it's rarely mentioned in movies as is. So (Stephen) the Australian that spent five years in the US over 30 years ago piped up and said, "it's a store which sells clothing, sporting goods, the whole lot." My two American friends next to me turned to me to make "what the hell?" faces and I said, "Nooo" which apparently my professor noticed. So she asked me, "You disagree?" "Yes, it's mainly clothing." "It was in the 70s," Stephen said. I had to tell him it wasn't anymore, and then he started talking about it again from what he knew back in the 70s. So the first Aussie who spoke up said, "Can I hear from someone who actually LIVES there?" to get Stephen to shut up and turned to me and my friends to ask what exactly they sell and for how much they sell it.

But then it didn't stop there.

We then went to a question regarding Walmart...so Stephen went as far to argue with one of the Americans (Toby) that Walmart is only a small town store, so Toby turned to me for backup. "No, Stephen, they're all over, even in NYC," I told him. "NYC? Then it has to be a small store if it's there." "No, Stephen. It's actually huge, and spans several floors." Either he likes to be a knowitall even about things he doesn't know squat about, or he secretly wishes he still lived in the US (which I doubt, as much as he hates my country despite all the things he misses from it).

LITTLE PLEASURES After class Mike waited until I was facing the other direction and bumped into me sideways like a little kid. Flirting? Joking? Friendship? I don't know but it's fun!

YING it's finally a goodbye to Ying. I actually foresaw her telling me my bra was showing (I decided to go for a low cut tank top to show off cleavage after talking to Stephen yesterday) and yet I didn't think I'd finally snap. I just snapped not because she told me my bra was showing, but because I'm just so sick of it all. All the little things over the past two semesters have finally gotten to me. And actually, she was taking it well, and I wasn't mean at all and I was pretty much understanding considering (no yelling, no shaking, no name calling). But yet again her English skills still didn't get it no matter how much I repeated the main points. I told her that obviously I care, but because I want to be happy in my last semester, I'm only ignoring her. Bottom line.

DISCOVERED so there's my third female friend down the drain. No more link to China, but oh well, does it really matter? But I've discovered that I have to tell people right away when they're bugging me. I have to let the little things go for good. I have to invite friends out more often. So it was a learning experience all up.