LITTLE PLEASURES walking into the room after their class got out, and scaring Stephen who jumped back when he realized I was silently standing next to him. Mike saw me and said, "Hi, Jen!"
We walked over to the couches for our meeting and Mike asked, "Do you have your cozy?" when he saw my iTouch. How'd he remember? He actually does care and listen, doesn't he? It was just the little bouts of attention he gave me.
And then there was the pleasure of when our meeting ended and Stephen said I should go work for him since I'm so organized and he needs that. According to him, that's my niche and that he even told a friend, who said the same thing. That'd I be great for project management. Anyway, after that lovely compliment, somehow Mike knew I wouldn't want to work in Europe (Where Stephen's moving) and that made me feel good.
Stephen, his son, and Arthur and I had lunch together. For some reason it just worked out that way with Stephen not inviting us, but making it known we were going. So there I was in the Bra in line, getting my food.
"Which chocolate is it today?" Megan asked. "How'd you know?" "I know you," she said cheekily. Jesse was there, too. And I consider these two to be the "cool kids" of the Bra, and therefore it made me feel "cool" as well.
I found Stephen, his son Kik, and Art, and it was just fun sitting back and talking. I felt cool to be out of the ordinary and actually eating out with the sun shining, some good conversation, and some lively atmosphere.
After lunch Art and I went around runing some erronds for him and I noticed how much it felt like summer. It was warm, the sun was extra bright, and I wasn't wearing a jacket. In fact, I was wearing my comfy AE clothes and feeling good because I've been fake most of the semester and trying to wear dressier clothes to be non-American like.
We ran into Alex who acknowledged me, even though I didn't talk. We ran into Ann, some Chinese girl who introduced herself to me at the beginning of the semester but barely talks to me now. And then Art worked his magic at trying to get some info on this PR situation for us.
Then I hung out with Art in the library, like I've done since last semester. While on the computer:
IM ! Yay, May really is becoming like my new Liz. Very slowly, and unfortunately I will lose her when I move to the US. She messaged me for the first time through G-chat and I was so happy to see that because I miss feeling cool and messaging people.

SADNESS Meanwhile, I have to let Jess go. She hasn't bothered responding to me, and well, I guess that's that, right? I could try facebook messaging her when I return, or post a notice to see if she notices, but otherwise I guess chasing her around won't do much. I mean, it would be good because she likes to go out and party, but ah well.
All I can hope for is to reconnect with Jess, find Kristen, continue with Betty (ugh), and go from there. I will always have Gaz, but he's in Australia. As for May and Ash, they'll probably be there, but again, only in Australia.
It's tough living abroad!
Back to today though. While we were leaving the library, I finally asked him questions about his religion (LDS) and I was open about it, and he was open as well. I wasn't offending him I told him, I just wanted to find out from the official source. And basically, my views are still the same. They may be harmless, but it's still like a cult.
LITTLE PLEASURES (pt. 2) At dinner Mike walked over very fast to serve me even though his bit was supposed to be the second half of the line. He was happy, asked how I was like he always does, and I started chatting with him about the meeting earlier on. As he finished with me, he kept turned to me to talk even though he was going to serve the guy behind me. He just makes me always feel so special and good inside.
I was walking over to the dessert section and Toby was there with Ann (the one mentioned above) and he was talking to me, reminding me about our study session on Sunday. But the socialness didn't stop there! I went over to Jesse and I was second in line, but a bunch of guys showed up right after me. I started worrying thinking Jesse would serve them first (since he and I aren't friends so to speak, and Jesse will treat those he knows well better and I wasn't sure if he knew I was there first), but he went right for me. He teased me about the chocolate and take-away, and said "no worries" when I said thanks (he rarely does).
I felt soooo good today.
We walked over to the couches for our meeting and Mike asked, "Do you have your cozy?" when he saw my iTouch. How'd he remember? He actually does care and listen, doesn't he? It was just the little bouts of attention he gave me.
And then there was the pleasure of when our meeting ended and Stephen said I should go work for him since I'm so organized and he needs that. According to him, that's my niche and that he even told a friend, who said the same thing. That'd I be great for project management. Anyway, after that lovely compliment, somehow Mike knew I wouldn't want to work in Europe (Where Stephen's moving) and that made me feel good.
Stephen, his son, and Arthur and I had lunch together. For some reason it just worked out that way with Stephen not inviting us, but making it known we were going. So there I was in the Bra in line, getting my food.
"Which chocolate is it today?" Megan asked. "How'd you know?" "I know you," she said cheekily. Jesse was there, too. And I consider these two to be the "cool kids" of the Bra, and therefore it made me feel "cool" as well.
I found Stephen, his son Kik, and Art, and it was just fun sitting back and talking. I felt cool to be out of the ordinary and actually eating out with the sun shining, some good conversation, and some lively atmosphere.
After lunch Art and I went around runing some erronds for him and I noticed how much it felt like summer. It was warm, the sun was extra bright, and I wasn't wearing a jacket. In fact, I was wearing my comfy AE clothes and feeling good because I've been fake most of the semester and trying to wear dressier clothes to be non-American like.
We ran into Alex who acknowledged me, even though I didn't talk. We ran into Ann, some Chinese girl who introduced herself to me at the beginning of the semester but barely talks to me now. And then Art worked his magic at trying to get some info on this PR situation for us.
Then I hung out with Art in the library, like I've done since last semester. While on the computer:
IM ! Yay, May really is becoming like my new Liz. Very slowly, and unfortunately I will lose her when I move to the US. She messaged me for the first time through G-chat and I was so happy to see that because I miss feeling cool and messaging people.
SADNESS Meanwhile, I have to let Jess go. She hasn't bothered responding to me, and well, I guess that's that, right? I could try facebook messaging her when I return, or post a notice to see if she notices, but otherwise I guess chasing her around won't do much. I mean, it would be good because she likes to go out and party, but ah well.
All I can hope for is to reconnect with Jess, find Kristen, continue with Betty (ugh), and go from there. I will always have Gaz, but he's in Australia. As for May and Ash, they'll probably be there, but again, only in Australia.
It's tough living abroad!
Back to today though. While we were leaving the library, I finally asked him questions about his religion (LDS) and I was open about it, and he was open as well. I wasn't offending him I told him, I just wanted to find out from the official source. And basically, my views are still the same. They may be harmless, but it's still like a cult.
LITTLE PLEASURES (pt. 2) At dinner Mike walked over very fast to serve me even though his bit was supposed to be the second half of the line. He was happy, asked how I was like he always does, and I started chatting with him about the meeting earlier on. As he finished with me, he kept turned to me to talk even though he was going to serve the guy behind me. He just makes me always feel so special and good inside.
I was walking over to the dessert section and Toby was there with Ann (the one mentioned above) and he was talking to me, reminding me about our study session on Sunday. But the socialness didn't stop there! I went over to Jesse and I was second in line, but a bunch of guys showed up right after me. I started worrying thinking Jesse would serve them first (since he and I aren't friends so to speak, and Jesse will treat those he knows well better and I wasn't sure if he knew I was there first), but he went right for me. He teased me about the chocolate and take-away, and said "no worries" when I said thanks (he rarely does).
I felt soooo good today.