Monday, 5 November 2007


No, not turning this into a fashion blog, but I'm
starting to respect nice, chic looks. I want to look
like this one day.

; I decided it was smarter to come home and reek the benefits then it is to stay here and be bored. And, since I only have one mid-term, I can see Gazzy that entire week before! Plus, how can we have four weeks when he can't travel? And I can see him anytime now that he's even closer. So far Jessica P. is the only one I told. Awaiting her response! {edit: she was on facebook but ignored it. Hmph, typical of her}.

BEST FRIEND I woke up a few hours later feeling depressed over the midterm and then felt saddened over Gaz. Will he email? I hope so even though I keep telling myself that I don't care. And if he doesn't I'm calling him, although I'm not sure yet if I do it nicely or snarkingly.

{edit: So he did email me, although it wasn't very loving. Whatever. I give up, but I need him so I'll ignore it}

3:51pm; I tried calling Gaz who wasn't there, so I sent a text with the information instead.

5:09pm; We were on the phone for one hour. Nice ;) I felt much better afterwards, but then I felt guilty as if he went from 'going home is good' to 'you should stay here' because he felt like he had to. I really, truly didn't want him to offer for me to see him, but he did. He told me traveling the coast would be a good idea, but his motive? Either way, he said I could. And he really was trying to help me decide. And he, said...he would call tomorrow after I said I will think about the entire thing. Why'd he offer? Wow.

UNI CLASSWORK Well the exam was terrible from what I can tell, so now I have to work even harder and hope we passed the presentation and then hope he gives me at least half of participation points for showing up to his shitty class. What a terrible feeling. I haven't felt this yet at this school.

UNI RESIDENTS Elaine made me laugh, which made me feel better. Doing bad on the midterm (which I had to of) isn't so bad if I have the other points. (Hopefully Elaine will ask about our presentation on Thursday).

"I miss China." Finally she gets what I mean about Aussie not being that great, when all she did was criticize me. She told me, finally confessed, how it's not so great here and how she doesn't get why people emigrate here. Yes! That's what I mean!

On the way back to the dorm from shopping in Robina Town Centre (yep, that's right, I went there after successfully not going for months and months) I ran into Jillian. When I asked her how she was, she finally responded the way I wanted...about her life. She told me how all her work is becoming due, etc. It made me feel good, semi-important.