Sunday, 25 November 2007


According to the news this morning: "Mr Rudd used his victory speech to underline his determination to continue the relationship, despite his policy of a staged withdrawal of Australian combat troops from Iraq, in consultation with the US.

He singled out the US for the first special mention, ahead of countries in Asia and Europe, as the nation with which Australia had a special relationship."

And from the NY Times: "Mr. Fullilove said Mr. Rudd’s experience regarding China was unlikely to make a significant difference to Australia’s relationship with the United States. “I would counsel against people assuming that because Kevin Rudd speaks Mandarin there would be a big rebalancing of the relationship in favor of Beijing,” he said."

Double Yay!

I woke up late, feeling free, after almost finishing my WTO presentation last night. No Gaz today, making me wonder if he took my political talk the wrong way? I'm tired of the droves of Japanese tourists, older tourists, snapping photos of our campus like it's some palace. I hide from pretty girls, skinny, with lots of makeup and skimpy clothing like I'm completely inferior.

CHANGE My perception is changing. I'm thinking more about the world we live in.
Walking on campus I noticed ants scrambling away and I wondered why they didn't go near the building where no one walks. Then I remembered that they are tiny and can't see far enough to tell if it would be safer and how easy it is for me to see that. And that, I too, am like an ant in a way. Like the night I wondered the area looking for a store, thinking I would know if one is near by, but the world was too big to tell. And there was a store right under my nose, but I couldn't tell with my small perception.

I'm also thinking more like a business woman, although I don't remember the most recent example. I'm also thinking like a team member/business student. I walked past the newly set-up tables thinking, "Now that will promote team work." What about my perception of a student? Have I changed and I can't tell yet as I'm in the middle of it? I feel like I'm working harder and putting more thoughtful effort in, producing better material, but am I?

YING I got fed up with Elaine today; I'm not being obnoxious, I'm just being western. But she takes everything as me insulting her when that's not true. And I don't find her "I don't know anything about Australia, nor do I want to learn" cute either. I wasn't mean, but instead of giggling and being happy, I started to walk away and said I would see her tomorrow at the end of our walk. If she can force me into things I don't want to do by repeating it over and over, I can act western and stand up for myself for once.

UNI RESIDENTS Matt made me feel "cool" again, like back in Bathurst. He drove past as I was walking with Ying and he honked three times and waved. (!)