Saturday, 3 November 2007


No Gaz Email for some reason. But I'm not worried, I'm just curious.

Later I found, through his lovely facebook, that he was on at 1pm messing with his profile. Emailed me? Nope. So you know what? He better send one amazing fucking email, or that's it. And I mean it, because why would he do that after he promised?

Edit II: It isn't bothering me as much as it would in the past. It's just, why though? Why didn't he finish emailing me? And is that why he was answering friends funwall questions, since I told him to try harder? In the past I would assume the best, but not anymore. No more excuses for him. Or has he given up on me since he figures I'm leaving anyway?

And then I wanted cried the more I thought about it, because this means I'm losing my only real friend. Oh well, life sucks.

Edit III: I gave in a few hours later and emailed him a short and friendly email, but then again added, "Way to email me like you said you would. I think you're ignoring me, Mr. Gareth." Sam emailed him about him not calling her for Christmas, so I'm not worried. And if he cares, he won't be bothered by it. And if he is, then well, he's a wanker. (Does this count as chasing him? Because I don't want to chase anymore. Then again I didn't email him back, but he said he would finish it and meanwhile was on facebook...I don't know).

Edit IV: Now I'm angry and don't want to talk to him. Why do I do that? What makes us go from sad to fine to mad?

Edit V: I think it's just the fear that he's for some reason only read half the email and he's mad. Not the fact he's skipped over emailing me back. Rationally, I've done it and he's done it and we've all done it, but we don't mean it.

UNI RESIDENTS Elaine and I had brekky as planned and she did it again...pushed me to eat other things and this time I was firm. "No. I got this because this is what I want to eat. I have a small stomach and I don't want to overeat." "They should charge you half price," she replied. I don't know if she means it in a kind way, but she keeps doing it. And I eat, so what is her problem? There was Liz who was like a mother and did it in a nicer way, and there's Elaine who pesters me when there's no problem to begin with.