Monday, 19 November 2007


By a stroke of fortune I tried emailing Gaz after not hearing from him (but the email wouldn't go through) and he texted me ten minutes later.

Text one: (half was lost, but the gist was that he was telling me he was in Greta, that he thinks the beanie I knitted for him is 'fantastic' and how bored he is); around 12pm

"Well don't worry to much, it'll be over before you know it. It's okay, apple's no really my thing. I'll just get some ginger beer, and fruit later."; 2:48pm

"Goodluck, why's that?"; 4:24pm

"Well, not for a little while by the look of it now...if doing things over your break is going to keep getting blocked."; 4:50pm

"Hey, you can pester me...just not so accusingly. Hm, I'll see if mum can get that computer tomorrow (sorry about the time delay, got frustrated and decided to recharge the phone)."; 7:18

"Not at all, it's not like I see you much anyway, just a week or two every once in a blue moon. I've only seen you a few times this year, and it's almost over." (about me being afraid he'll get sick of seeing me); 8:00pm

"Sandcastle definitely (I think I've forgotten how). I'm going to look for a place in a. cooks, b. derby st, c. hamilton, fingers crossed. Eh, I'm happy seeing you when the chance comes, there's no set quota. Apparently there's a Japanese restaurant in Newcastle, and getting a hamburger should be easy."; 8:57pm

"I think there are just those little shops you see in certain areas (not quite like Haymarket). Yeah me to, there should be plenty of good food there, don't worry about that."; 8:30

"Yep, it's just not that big really. You still have to get from one place to the other, that seems to be a reaccurring theme though."; 9pm

"Hmm, only a month and a bit. Hopefully my place in newcastle will be set out by then (or the first few baby steps anyway)."; 9:30pm

"It'll be find once it's organised, I'll do share again, it's the only thing I could ever afford, but it's better that way anyway. Whoa, almost fell asleep, think it's bedtime. So goodnight, hope you get some sleep at least, even if it's not enough. Remember, worry about stuff later. Whoa..."; 9:55pm

There were more, but they somehow kept getting deleted on their own. There was one about wanting to send me a photo of his tattoo, but how he'd rather show me in person, and that's what started with us figuring out he doesn't know I was coming to Newcastle. Good thing, because now I know he knows. Another missing important one is about how I can tay at his lace and if he doesn't have it by then, then his mum's place! I received at least 12, a couple an hour. We texted from 12pm until 10 pm. The conversation kept going, something we haven't done by text yet, and I loved it. Sent and received: 16 messages each! So I'm missing 5 from above...:(

Ying left class without me, starting a chain reaction of bitchy randoms, but I took it in stride. I just won't acknowledge her on Thursday. And no, Ying, I won't go to lunch with you. Ah, but wait. I have class with her next semester, so I need her. I'll just do it discretely.

Audrey was cute. My door opened as she closed the main door and we had a giggly chat about it.