"For some reason I was incredibly tired last night, but I stayed on to practice my fake Thai some more. I explained to him that there was no way I could teach a language I had no background in, that I would only give them the wrong pronunciations, but he said it would "be fun!" So I finally gave that workshop and got it over with this morning and it wasn't too bad. I get all worked up over nothing, even though I wasn't nervous at all the night before. The whole thing is, I knew I wouldn't get much cooperation from a class of stuck up people and the whole point was to get them to interact while I taught them Thai culture.
The presentation itself was exciting because I didn't get nervous, even when the same people I knew would (there's a few girls who are so snotty) were glaring at me. There's this one girl who never pays attention, this girl from Boston, and he always calls her out on it during my presentations. I think there's a conspiracy against me, ha! Anyway, I only got nervous toward the end, so it's all good."
After I wrote him that I remembered how dry my mouth went (how unusual for me), but mostly because 15 minutes is the longest I've talked so far. And I remember not displaying awkward-scared voice tricks, until the end when a few girls were glaring at me. But overall I had the "I'm never going to see you again" attitidude and I was really relaxed.
He had us take a group photo and they were acting like we all like each other- and now we will have a fake photo to represent the cliques and glaring girl.
The night before I had this weird dream with Kenny emailing me and Victoria going on a roadtrip with me. That morning Kenny emailed me (hmm?) and I ran into Victoria for the first time since last semester. What are the chances? I love talking to Aussies and it hasn't been since second semeter, since they just get me. And they're so fun and optomistic. I asked how her semester is going and I found out we'll have A&A together next semester. And she remembered and guessed about Gaz. Hilarious.
Oh, and I got an HD on my second assingment, so I'm guess I got an HD in the subject!
The presentation itself was exciting because I didn't get nervous, even when the same people I knew would (there's a few girls who are so snotty) were glaring at me. There's this one girl who never pays attention, this girl from Boston, and he always calls her out on it during my presentations. I think there's a conspiracy against me, ha! Anyway, I only got nervous toward the end, so it's all good."
After I wrote him that I remembered how dry my mouth went (how unusual for me), but mostly because 15 minutes is the longest I've talked so far. And I remember not displaying awkward-scared voice tricks, until the end when a few girls were glaring at me. But overall I had the "I'm never going to see you again" attitidude and I was really relaxed.
He had us take a group photo and they were acting like we all like each other- and now we will have a fake photo to represent the cliques and glaring girl.
The night before I had this weird dream with Kenny emailing me and Victoria going on a roadtrip with me. That morning Kenny emailed me (hmm?) and I ran into Victoria for the first time since last semester. What are the chances? I love talking to Aussies and it hasn't been since second semeter, since they just get me. And they're so fun and optomistic. I asked how her semester is going and I found out we'll have A&A together next semester. And she remembered and guessed about Gaz. Hilarious.
Oh, and I got an HD on my second assingment, so I'm guess I got an HD in the subject!